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Frequently Asked Questions



How do we go about introducing Lifekeys to our congregation?

 A coffee and dessert evening or information night is a good forum to introduce Lifekeys to your church or interested people.  We encourage you to show one of these introductory videos which feature Dr Allan Meyer sharing about the importance of small group ministry, and the necessity of effective training:

Small Group Leader & Facilitator Training Introductory Video 40 mins

Why Adequate Training Must Precede Small Group Leader Delegation 5 mins


What do we have to do to start Lifekeys?

The ‘getting started’ introduction letter that is posted on the website is a good guide to helping you know the procedure and timeframe that you will need to undertake in establishing this ministry.
It is important to have a group of people whose main role is to oversee and be responsible for the running of the programs and to implement the correct Policies and Procedures.  This group will also be the support network for the co-ordinators and facilitators who may need assistance in dealing with challenging participants or difficult scenarios that might come up from time to time. 


What sort of people need to make up this Planning and Supervision Team and how many?

Members of the team could be a church Pastor, the Lifekeys co-ordinator, a counsellor, teacher, doctor, nurse, and anyone with people helping skills. Usually your Planning and Supervision Team need only consist of 3 –5 people but it would be advisable to have some with professional qualifications if possible.


Why is it so important to train our facilitators using the Lifekeys Small Group Leader & Facilitator Training program?

The training of potential facilitators is of the utmost importance in preparing them for the role that they will exercise in the small group time.  The training will benefit the facilitators by helping them to competently and confidently lead a small group of people.  Not only does the training help the facilitators to know how to handle sensitive issues that can come up during the group time; it also gives them the basis for understanding that people need a safe place to share and process their ‘stuff’. The Small Group Leader & Facilitator Training was designed specifically with the Lifekeys model in mind. This training is also applicable for running other kinds of small groups.


How many participants should be in each small group?

Six to eight participants is the maximum number we suggest along with two facilitators per group.   Any more than this number will hinder the opportunity for each member to have adequate time to share.


Is it important to participate in a program before doing the Small Group Leader & Facilitator Training?

Yes, before attempting to open the doors of Lifekeys Ministry to people from the wider church or community, it is important for the trainee facilitator to experience a Careforce Lifekeys program as a participant.  This will help to further their own growth and give them more experience of the small group time.  Search for Life is our recommended program for the trainee to participate in. We realise start up churches may not be able do a program first so we suggest to do the training then follow this with Search for Life and share the facilitating around.


Who can be a facilitator?

You may be surprised who turns out to be a good facilitator.  They don’t have to be able to teach, that’s not their role, but they do need to be able to lead discussion and keep the group working.    Look around your church and invite anyone who cares about, and connects well with people.  It can also help to invite those with a professional or social work background – although this isn’t always a guarantee that a person will facilitate well.   Also allow people to self- select and enrol for the Small Group Leader & Facilitator Training course, letting them know you will assess their readiness at the end of the training process.


What is the Careforce Lifekeys License Agreement?

The License Agreement comes with the Policies and Procedures manual when a program is ordered.   Before commencing any Lifekeys program, the user must sign and return the License Agreement to the Lifekeys office.   The signing of this Agreement means that the user will adhere to the Policies & Procedures as outlined in the manual and will run the Lifekeys programs accordingly. It additionally gives the right to use a program in a public setting.


Do all Lifekeys programs require the formal training to be undertaken?

No.  Mastering Your Money is the only program that can be run without formal training of facilitators, as it requires no group work.  Lifekeys courses can also be used in one on one pastoral care, however this still requires the training be undertaken. Please refer to individual program requirements.


We are a small church or not for profit organisation and have limited resources - can we photocopy manuals?

No, you cannot photocopy any Lifekeys materials unless with the expressed permission from Careforce Lifekeys. We encourage fund raising or sponsorship for those needing financial help. Charging participants to do the courses is the preferred way to fund the cost of manuals. Careforce Lifekeys relies on the sale of manuals to maintain financial viability as it has no external means of funding.


Do manuals have to be purchased when running a program?

Definitely. Every participant is required to have a manual to follow. The manual is not simply an outline of the teaching for each session as it includes group questions, reflections for at home, and some inventories to be completed. The information can be used for reference after the course. Participants can also use it for their own note taking.


How do we order resources?

Most ordering is done via our Lifekeys website which allows for resources to be purchased and paid for with no fuss or room for error.  The order comes directly to our accounts area and is then forwarded to our warehouse for despatching.  If you require assistance with the ordering process, please call the Lifekeys office: +61 3 9727 9638.


How do I find a church nearby which is running a program that I would like to do?

Our Lifekeys website  has a section called ‘Partners’ that lists churches/organisations which are endorsed by Lifekeys as being regular users of our programs.  You can click on the link and go straight to that church’s website, which should have scheduled the programs on offer for the year.  There is also a section on our website called ‘Program Finder’ where you can search for courses in your local area.  Still need help?  Feel free to call the Lifekeys office to enquire about courses: +61 3 9727 9638.



Helping our local communities find Christ through their brokenness remains one of the greatest untapped evangelistic tools available to the church today.

Lifekeys Office Telephone

+61 3 9727 9638